Pakistan is facing an all-time hike in fuel prices, as petrol has surged to Rs 331/liter after an increment of 26 rupees at midnight of September 16. The country is on the verge of default due to a host of instabilities. Among major concerning problems, citizens are looking out for alternatives to commute in Pakistan as fuel prices soar.
It is uncertain to believe that Pakistanis would reduce their daily activities at such high prices of fuel. Citizens would rather prefer finding alternatives for daily commutes. Below are the best alternatives to consider for your convince, if you still find it awful to stand for your rights and let International Organizations (IOs) and incompetent people to decide the fate of your motherland:
Purchase a bicycle:
More than half of all the households in Pakistan own motorbikes. There is not much difference between a motorcycle and a bicycle. Moreover, cycles can boost your stamina if used properly and daily. It is obvious that most of the Pakistanis feel it shameful to travel on a bicycle for studies or job places. In the Western world, it’s quite the opposite; people love to travel on bicycles for daily commutes. Maybe there is a sense of security for the public. However, in Pakistan, riding bicycles for daily commute is not a choice now, but it is the only and best option for the public.
Bicycle prices have also surged after the fuel price hike. However, good research online (preferably OLX), and visiting Jackson Market, located on Napier Road, Karachi can help you for a good bargain.
Move On To Public Transport:
For a metropolitan city like Karachi, public transport was one of the major challenges for the Sindh Government. Thanks to the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), after ruling in Sindh for more than 30 years, they have made an exquisite decision to make commute for the public quite easy. People were literally fed up with old public transport which had been on the roads for more than 50 years (I wonder which company built those buses, their engines are getting stronger like a fine old wine).
The new People’s Bus Service in Karachi is a recommended public transport service which must be availed by the job holders and citizens. Charging up to Rs 100 for a long-distance ride with air-conditioned bus is a must-go. Moreover, it is a safe transport for females and handicapped.
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Carpooling can be a benefit for office users and College/university-going students. If you have a car or a motorbike, you can ask your fellow colleagues to hop in and ride together. On average, 4 people can sit in a car (5 in Pakistan). There is literally no shame in asking your coworkers to contribute to the fuel prices. It can literally save time and money for both.
Moreover, with personal experience, I can assure you that the fellows develop a strong bond amid carpooling. There are no specific rules for carpooling, one can demand others to pay daily or every month.
Start Running/walking:
As if you have any option left with such surge in the fuel prices? Just start running/walking only and if you live near your college/University or office. However, several factors may worry the public – amongst which is the fear of being mugged on the way.
Considering cycling or running as alternatives to commute in Pakistan as fuel prices soar could save you money for the gym.
Above are the best options for the public if they want to consider alternatives to commute in Pakistan as fuel prices soar. Sometimes, there can be an uprising against those in power because people feel they are being unfairly treated or that the government is not doing their job well. This can be related to political, social, or economic concerns.
Pakistan is facing a situation similar to “The Great Depression” in 1929 in the USA. The ruling authorities must consider options to provide relief for the citizens, or things can get worse for the nation.
Heinous crimes, thefts, and other major problems are surfacing in the country because there is no option left for the public to have a meal for even one time a day. The future of Pakistan is darker as it seems if prices on the commodities are not balanced and ingovernance prevails.